VbQOm8cTeaQ66gqgO2NakxTPshs Indonesian Retail: Open and Close Store

December 1, 2009

Open and Close Store

Store Open at Normal Condition
Every morning, MOD accompanied by one other staff shall open the store. MOD shall ensure that the entrance door is still locked until store operation hours.
Turn on 30% of all lamps inside the store before the store opened (flexible).
MOD checks all areas, inside and outside to ensure the store is safe. MOD ensures if the safe and other exit doors are locked. Ensure all staff members, SPGs, and counter staff members shall put their bags, jackets, helms, in their lockers (if available). MOD shall turn on decoration lamps when the store is ready to operate.

MOD should declare the amount of cash to all staffs and Sales supplier to show the cash. MOD shall ensure to it that before the store opens, all cashiers and service staff members are ready in their perspective positions. MOD assisted by other staff open the entrance door and the rolling door. Fifteen (15) minute before opening, MOD shall give announce to all staff and SPG counter. And ended with pray together.

Store Opens at Abnormal Condition
Do not enter in the store or touch anything near the door if the main entrance or the staff entrance is open, the lock is broken, or if there is other unusual things, like broken ceiling, broken store’s door, broken safe, etc but inform the Loss Prevention staff, Area Manager or ROM. MOD to coordinate with the building property personnel and shall inform the police. MOD guards the entrance door until the police arrive. All staff members shall not go inside until the police finish their investigation.

Store Closing
An hour before store closing, all staff shall face out and clean the floor
(sweep and floor). MOD ensure all doors are properly locked and unnecessary lights turned off, then closing data on cash register to avoid pending invoices. Ensure that cash register drawer opened. Ensure that all items that customers decide not to buy have been put back to the respective places. Check if there is burning cigarette in the dustbin and all socket such as floor stand and etc unplugged except chiller and freezer. Check whether all neon signs and lamps have been turn off (except in certain places) and all computer and electronics in cashier area have been turned off. Do the final patrol to ensure that all customer or internal/counter staffs/SPG have left the store. Ensure the safe is locked, the combination jumbled and the store room locked. MOD watch the Body Checks according to the stipulated procedure. Ensure all doors locked and the key hold by the MOD. Especially for opening and closing, opening and closing the exit door should be done by the MOD and should not be delegated to other staffs, included keep the key and padlock. Provide Key Press to keep the key.

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