VbQOm8cTeaQ66gqgO2NakxTPshs Indonesian Retail: 2010

November 18, 2010

Lotte Mart ekspansi ke Bandung

Minggu, 14/11/2010 17:05:42 WIB
Oleh: Rika Novayanti JAKARTA: Lotte Mart membuka gerai ritel seluas 7.000 meter per segi di Festival City Link, Bandung.

Presiden Direktur Lotte Mart Indonesia, Moon Young-Pyo mengatakan gerai ritel Lotte Mart di Bandung itu merupakan toko retail moderen pertama [di Bandung]. "Tahun depan, kami akan lebih agresif dalam membuka gerai baru," katanya dalam rilis yang dikirim hari ini.

Sementara itu, Prames Nhira Djati, Public Relation Manager PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia mengatakan gerai ritel ketiga itu merupakan gerai ke-22 dari total gerai Lotte Mart di Indonesia (19 gerai lainnya berupa wholesale).
Gerai ritel di Bandung tersebut menerapkan strategi baru yaitu perpaduan Indonesia dan Korean Marketing System. “Sistem tersebut mengandalkan kartu Lotte Mart Poin yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan cash back,” ujar dia.

Lotte masuk ke Indonesia dengan mengambil alih 100% saham Makro Cash & Carry pada November 2008 dan mengubah nama 19 toko Makro menjadi Lotte Mart Wholesale pada Mei 2010. Selain itu, saat ini, Lotte Mart telah memiliki tiga toko retail di Gandaria City dan Ratu Plaza yang terletak di Jakarta serta Festival City Link, Bandung.(msb)

Ritel Lokal Diprediksi akan Dikuasai Asing Semua

Ritel Lokal Diprediksi akan Dikuasai Asing Semua
Suhendra - detikFinance

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Jakarta - Tiga peritel terbesar dunia, Wal-Mart, Casino, Lotte dikabarkan mengincar Hypermart milik Lippo Grup. Kedepan, ritel-ritel lokal lainnya diprediksi akan dikuasai asing semua.

Pengamat Sektor Ritel Hidayat mengatakan, sektor ritel bukanlah bisnis yang mudah. Selain bermargin tipis, persaingan yang ketat membuat pemodal harus siap-siap menerima konsekuensi tekor atau pas-pasan. Meski demikian daya tarik ritel, bagi pelaku asing masih tinggi karena investor asing mendapat dana murah di tingkat global.

"Kelihatannya kedepannya (ritel lokal) akan dikuasai asing semua," kata saat dihubungi detikFinance, Kamis (18/10/2010).

Hidayat mengatakan, fenomena jual-beli perusahaan ritel lokal oleh peritel global kini memang kian santer. Kondisi ini lazim terjadi dibanyak negara termasuk juga di Indonesia.

"Ini fenomena dunia, bukan hanya Indonesia saja. Misalnya keputusan Carrefour pusat hengkang dari Asia, dengan jual untung untuk masuk pasar Amerika Latin," kata mantan pengurus Asosiasi Peritel Indonesia (Aprindo) ini.

Hidayat menuturkan sektor ritel merupakan sektor yang unik. Karena basis bisnisnya bermargin tipis, maka para pemilik modal dengan mudahnya melepas usahanya dijual ke pihak lain.

"Persaingan telah membuat margin makin tertekan, untuk mendapatkan uang besar perlu volume tinggi, kalau volume tinggi bisa dapat untung, kalau tidak justru kebalikannya," jelas Hidayat.

Dikatakannya jika Hypertmart dilepas ke pihak asing maka, sektor ritel (supermarket) yang benar-benar masih dimiliki modal lokal hanyalah Hari Hari. Ia melihat ada fenomena para pengusaha lokal masih melihat margin sektor ritel sangat tipis sekali.

"Selama ini saya melihat hypermart mendapatkan untung, dibandingkan dengan department store-nya," jelasnya.

Sehingga kata dia, rencana penjualan hypermart saat ini ada kemungkinan pihak pemilik modal yaitu Lippo ingin beralih ke bisnis lain. Bahkan ada dugaan, pihak Hypermart sudah menghitung dengan matang, soal persaingan ketatnya dengan sesama bisnis hipermarket seperti Carrefour, Giant dan Lotte.

Diberitakan sebelumnya tiga peritel besar asing dikabarkan tengah mengincar salah satu perusahaan ritel besar Indonesia yaitu Hypermart, yang merupakan unit usaha PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA).

Tiga peritel asing yang tengah mengincar hypermart adalah Wal-Mart, Casino, dan Lotte. Nilai penjualan Hypermart dikabarkan bisa mencapai US$ 1 miliar.

Matahari memang saat ini diisukan akan menjual unit usaha ritelnya tersebut karena akan fokus di bisnis utamanya yaitu di bidang kesehatan dan properti. Perusahaan milik Lippo Group ini ingin merestrukturisasi asetnya untuk mengoptimalkan bisnis ritel yang ada di Hypermart.

Hypermart merupakan jaringan bisnis ritel terbesar kedua di Indonesia setelah Carrefour. Sebagian saham Carrefour Indonesia saat ini sudah dimiliki oleh pengusaha lokal, Chairul Tanjung.

Wal-Mart saat ini tercatat sebagai peritel raksasa terbesar di dunia asal Amerika Serikat. Sementara Casino merupakan peritel terbesar kedua terbesar dunia asal Prancis. Casino baru-baru ini mengakuisisi Carrefour Thailand dalam sebuah kesepakatan bernilai US$ 1,2 miliar. Sedangkan Lotte adalah peritel asal Korea Selatan yang kini sudah masuk ke Indonesia setelah mengakuisi Makro.

November 7, 2010

Category Assortment Bibble

Category Assorment berisi data-data category assorment ....email ke edoswd@gmail.com, jika berminat (Rp 20.000/report)

Walmart bid for Indonesian hypermarket

Walmart Stores Inc, the world’s top retailer, has joined the race to buy Indonesian retailer Matahari’s hypermarket business, stirring up competition for the US$1 billion auction in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.

U.S.-based Walmart is stepping up international growth—currently bidding on South Africa’s Massmart—especially in the wake of more than a year of declining domestic same-store sales at its namesake stores.

Sources told Reuters Thursday that Walmart has hired Barclays Capital to advise it on the transaction. The mandate is a coup for Barclays, which is building up its investment banking business.

Matahari is selling Hypermart, Indonesia’s second-biggest hypermart chain after PT Carrefour Indonesia, to focus on its core healthcare and property assets.

One banker said he expects the deal to fetch between $800 million to $1 billion.

Walmart is expected to compete in the auction with South Korea’s Lotte Shopping and private equity fund Carlyle Group.

The auction provides an opportunity to buyout funds and global and regional retailers to get a foothold in Indonesia, where consumer spending is expected to rise alone with strong economic growth.

Matahari shares are up about 70 per cent in 2010, reflecting some of those growth expectations, far outpacing a 42 per cent rise in benchmark Jakarta stock index.

It was unclear whether Walmart had submitted a formal offer.

Sources previously told Reuters that Lotte and Carlyle had submitted first-round bids. Source were not allowed to speak on the record because details of the auction remain private.

A Walmart spokesman said the company does not comment on rumors or speculation. Barclays Capital declined to comment.

Bank of America, which is advising Matahari on the deal, was not available for comment.

A strong line-up for Matahari’s auction comes ahead of Friday’s deadline set by French retailer Carrefour for the planned sale of its Southeast Asian assets in a $1 billion deal.

Japan’s biggest retailer Aeon Ltd and private equity group Navis Capital are likely to submit second-round bids for the Carrefour assets, sources previously told Reuters.

Walmart’s international sales account for about a quarter of the company’s overall sales. In June, Chief Executive Mike Duke told international employees that “the first expectation for Walmart International is really about growth.”

Walmart has also been bidding for South African discount retailer Massmart, the country’s third-largest retailer that represents a platform for African expansion.

Last week, Massmart said Walmart might scale back its $4 billion takeover bid and instead buy a more than 50 percent stake, which would keep Massmart shares listed in Johannesburg.

But the offer has spurred questions about local resistance, and South Africa’s service industry union said Thursday that it would not rule out the possibility of a strike against Massmart were Wal-Mart to acquire a stake.

The country’s vocal labor unions have denounced Walmart as unfair to workers.

October 17, 2010

Example of banner in store

Shrinkage Preventive (handbook for Loss Prevention Experts


Shrinkage, or losses due to theft, in the Retail Industry become a serious problem. There are many ways regarding what a retailer can do to stop these losses.

This issue is very complex and there is a great deal of research available. I will attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of what I know and what possible solutions

What can I do as a Retail Manager to prevent employee theft? I'm glad you asked!
1. Highly Visible Security programs
2. Rigid Company policy of Prosecution
3. DOCUMENTATION of merchandise / currency handling procedures.
4. Double that documentation
5. Pre- Employment Screening
By the way, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other laws do directly affect the amount of information an employer can request from an applicant. Questions about Age, Health, Marital Status, Arrests, Race and Religion cannot be asked. However it is permissible to ask about CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS.
6. Background Checks
Whether done in house or through an outside agency, hospital records, prior employment, taxes, bank accounts, credit cards and personal references should be checked and verified.
7. Polygraph Screening
Especially with cashiers, polygraphing prior to employment will provide a good idea of who you are hiring.
8. Employee only entrances
Whenever possible, employee's should be required to enter and exit the building via designated entrances.
Locker, cafeteria, and lounge facilities should be located in close proximity to this entrance. The time clock should be set up between these area's and the store proper.
9. Personal items should not be allowed to be carried into the store proper. NO Purses, Coats or Parcels should be allowed onto the sales floor.
10. The right to search may be reserved by the company under certain conditions.
11. Maintenance personnel, Contractors, Salespersons & others who work in the store after hours should be supervised by Security personnel while in the store.They should also be made to sign in and out after store hours.
12. Any Garbage removed from the facility should be inspected prior to removal from the facility.
13. Stockrooms should be heavily monitored. This is a favorite place for employee's to steal from.
14. Look for merchandise stashed behind other merchandise, in the trash, in the break area etc.
Note: If you find stashed stuff, instead of picking it up, put surveillance on it !
15. Watch for Unauthorized mark downs !
16. Do unannounced and random counts on incoming shipments and verify the count against the shipping documents.
17. In the warehouse, don't let the truck drivers into the warehouse, Make sure that the documentation matches the cargo. Perform random verifications of counts against the shipping documents
18. Reserve the right to search the trucks of the shipping company.
19. Keep shipping and receiving platforms separate.
20 Cargo areas of trucks should be separately locked and sealed from the drivers. If you find a broken seal or lock, don't take the shipment.


In most stores, the refunding policy is very liberal and typically refunding is done in cash by specific persons, usually a junior manager. This is an excellent opportunity for employee theft.

Here are a few tips to help eliminate Employee refund theft
1. A price ticket and / or receipt must accompany the refund request
2. Polygraph the persons responsible for refunding on a monthly basis
3. Develop a procedure for refunding and investigate any deviation from that policy
4. Check the data on the receipt with the item being returned. Make sure the employee isn't trying to return a higher priced item than they bought.
5. Maintain a record of employee returns. Too many returns may indicate a theft problem.

Strategic In-Store Products

In-store solutions for each brand/marketing objective

Network Products
-Long term brand building of regularly purchase items
-Discussed with Supplier’s Marketing team

Customized Products
-Short term programs which are promotion / seasonally led
-Discussed with Supplier’s Marketing and/or Trade Marketing team

Product Bundling

Creating a fixed set of customized products sold based on Suppliers brand needs – refer to the Zone Concept
The retail company will gain maximum returns with product bundling.
Avoid Suppliers paying only for one or two customized products.
Offers the Suppliers a total solution package with instore promotion assistance in creative and production expertise

Zone Concept
Shopping Area Product Zones

Entrance zone Orientation Zone
Shelf / Aisle Area Basket Zone
Block Displays /Gondola Ends Unplanned zone
Check Out Impulse Zone


August 18, 2010

STORES CCTV (Close Circuit Television) System Guideline

A CCTV is used to monitor all activities in store area such as

Customer entrance

Other entrance, such as: receiving area, garbage, disposal area,

employee entrance, emergency exits, etc

Primary cash register area and additional cash registers in sales
floor, such as: Cigarette and pharmacy counter, Ready To Eat
(RTE) counter, electronic counter, etc

Banking and banker’s area

High shrinkage area, baby food, milk, cosmetic, electronic, skin
care, hair care, etc.

Storage area

Other locations that needs continuous monitoring

B CCTV staff record all store activities taken by the CCTV on daily basis

C CCTV staff coordinate and communicate with under cover Loss Prevention Staff in
handling theft.

D The CCTV system should be operated 24 hours each day, every day along a year,
except if there is any other policy.

E All recording from the CCTV shall not be lent or given to third parties for
whatever reasons outside store premises

F Restrictions/ Not Allowed Activities
Bringing of food and drink in the operator’s table.
to prevent accidents that may damage CCTV equipment

Running video player, VCD/DVD for other film (not official).

This shows negligence in monitoring store activities.

Watching television can only be allowed during emergency situations with
instructions from store general manager or with approval from LP
Division – Head Office (LP General Manager/Manager).

G.CCTV room is not a deposit area for goods except if said goods are used
as evidences.

H. Accessing this room is limited to
Staff, LP Division – HO
Store Management (Division Manager and Up)
CCTV vendors intended to check CCTV system of Control Room must
have a permit and accompanied by Store Manager and/or CCTV staff

August 14, 2010

CCTV System Guideline

CCTV System Guideline

A.CCTV is used to monitor all activities in store area such as
Customer entrance
Other entrance, such as: receiving area, garbage, disposal area,
employee entrance, emergency exits, etc.
Primary cash register area and additional cash registers in sales
floor, such as: Cigarette and pharmacy counter, Ready To Eat
(RTE) counter, electronic counter, etc
Banking and banker’s area
Area High Shrink; Baby Food, Milk, Cosmetics, Elektronik, Skin care, Hair Care dll
High shrinkage area, baby food, milk, cosmetic, electronic, skin
care, hair care, etc.
Storage area
Other locations that needs continuous monitoring

B CCTV staff record all store activities taken by the CCTV on daily basis

C.CCTV staff coordinate and communicate with under cover Loss Prevention Staff in handling theft.

D The CCTV system should be operated 24 hours each day, every day along a year, except if there is any other policy.

E All recording from the CCTV shall not be lent or given to third parties for
whatever reasons outside premises of PT Hero Supermarket Tbk.

F Restrictions/ Not Allowed Activities
Bringing of food and drink in the operator’s table.
to prevent accidents that may damage CCTV equipment.
Running video player, VCD/DVD for other film (not official). This shows negligence in monitoring store activities.

Watching television can only be allowed during emergency situations with instructions from store general manager or with approval from LP
Division – Head Office (LP General Manager/Manager).
CCTV room is not a deposit area for goods except if said goods are used
as evidences.

G Accessing this room is limited to
Staff, LP Division – HO
Store Management (Division Manager and Up)
In-Store LP Officer
Supervisor LP
LP Supervisor

H CCTV vendors intended to check CCTV system of Control Room must
have a permit and accompanied by Store Manager and/or CCTV staff

Merchandise Displaying Guidelines

Download here for store display
display 1 Display 2 Display 3 display 4 Display 5

Retail display merchandisers are one of the key factors that you should consider because they are the store fixtures that hold your merchandise together. Whether these are clothing displays, sun glass displays, slat wall displays, hat displays or other point of purchase displays, they hold your products and arrange them accordingly.
I order to keep our customer spent their time longer in the store we should have considering the merchandise display follow:

a. Easy for customers to know and understand the items
•should be vertical position
b. Easy to be seen
•The main side must be facing front
•Face Out
c. Easy to choose
d. Easy to be retrieved and returned
e. Not easily mixed up/put in disarray
•Products in one grouping
•Provision for display facilities: acrylic dividers, etc.

Display types
a.Normal shelving
Display for regular product
b.Wing stage
c. Face Out
d.Gondola end
e.Densing up
f.Floor display
g.Clip strip
h.End cap display

There are three main categories of retail store display based on store type:

1.Floor Stands are retail displays, which can be placed anywhere on the retail floor and host a variety of product categories. It is the most often deployed display type, because it can withstand a huge amount of product weight for a very long time.

2.Counter retail displays are put on tables and counters where space is really limited. They often entice impulsive shoppers to buy items while waiting to check out.

3.Retail signs have a high impact on product branding and are often combined with retail displays to emphasize a products feature. Some of very simple but highly effective merchandising solutions can be little more than an eye-catching well-placed retail sign.

Now, how do you set up your ideal retail store fixtures? Here are a few tips:

1.Analyze and study your product's features. First of all consider the weight, shape, size and color of the product you would like to promote using your retail fixtures. Check what is special about this product and how can you make the most to accentuate its features

2.Consider the seasonal theme of your shop. Think about which materials and elements will fit best your store design. You always want to emphasize and highlight your displayed product, but don't want to risk to destroy the overall presentation and look of your store and end up picking the wrong materials and colors for your retail display.

3.Understand your customer demographic. Who is going to be most likely interested in the product your are planning to showcase?

4.Pick a type of point of purchase retail display. It depends on where in the store space you are planning to place your retail fixtures, there are countless choices on how you can design your fixture.

5.Address the message of your brand. You can think of a special feature or a brand slogan you want to address to customers and utilize graphics, banner and signs to make your product attractive.

6.Get some craft and design inspiration. Browse and search through the web and find some retail displays that is nearest to your needs.

7.Search for a good and trustworthy source for your retail store display. Study their industry specific expertise and review some of their projects with other manufactures.

August 11, 2010

Retail Price Strategy

The right price is one consumers are willing and able to pay and retailers are willing to accept in exchange for merchandise and services

The right price allows the retailer to make a fair profit while providing the consumer with value satisfaction before, during, and after the sale!

Gross Invoice Price – Trade Discounts – Quantity Discounts – Seasonal Discounts – Other Discounts = Net Invoice Price

Net Invoice Price – Cash Discounts + Transportation Charges + Workroom Expenses = Merchandise Cost

Price = Merchandise Cost + Profit

Different products have the ability to command different prices at different times and in different locations.
Must consider:
Product quality
Product uniqueness

Retailers Compute Markup on Retail Selling Price for Several Reasons:

1.Psychological Reasons
Markup on selling price is always lower than a markup on cost
2.Comparison Reasons
Between store operations
With trade statistics
With expressions of financial operating ratios which are computed as a % of sales]
3.Inventory Reasons
Beginning-of-month, End-of-month and purchases are calculated at retail
4.Emphasis Reasons

Adjusting the Retail Price
Three Types
1.Discounts: reductions granted to employees and special customers
2.Markons: Markups taken after the initial price is set
3.Markdowns: Downward adjustments in the original selling price
Markdown % = (original price – reduced price) / reduced price
Remember: Retail Reductions = Markdowns + shortages + employee discounts + customer discounts

Causes of Markdowns
Buying related causes:
Assortment error
Timing error: late shipment or ordering too much
Misjudging quality
Supplier error: late, damaged or incorrect shipments

Selling related causes:
Pricing error: hence little consumer interest
Using markdowns to stimulate sales
Aggressive selling: trading customer up, misleading claims, returns

Initial Markup: What you hope to receive!
Maintained Markup: What you actually receive!
Gross Margin = Maintained markup
Initial Markup % is the key element in guiding retailer’s price setting decisions

Setting Price

1.Price Setting Is A Difficult Step

One of the most difficult tasks for a small business operator is in the setting of realistic selling prices.

The business person has to be careful that they do not undersell, as this will reduce profits, whilst at the same time they should be aware of overpricing commodities, which would be done at the risk of losing customers. Pricing is a complex strategy which should be carefully undertaken and regularly reviewed.

2.Pricing Can Determine Profit Or Loss

There is probably more money won and lost each year through pricing and price promotion tactics than through all the other marketing decisions combined.This highlights the necessity for Management to undertake careful review of all aspects of setting prices before doing so. Price setting is just as important as market awareness, product development and advertising. You can do all of these things in an excellent manner and then undo it all by setting prices too low or too high.

3.Pricing Fallacies

(a)There are a number of common fallacies relating to price setting. These include:

Price is the only thing about which customers worry
Low priced products are more successful in a recession
It is best to set your prices at the same level as your competitors
Price low to gain market entry and once market entry has been obtained - then increase prices
Ask your customers what the price should be and price at the prices that they tell you

(b)The pricing strategy shouldn’t be that the business’s prices have to be the lowest in the market to attract customers.

(c)There is no doubt that price is of concern to customers, but it is not the only thing that customers consider when deciding whether to purchase goods or services from a particular business.

(d)Astute customers tend to choose suppliers primarily for reliability. Other factors which enter into the buying decision include:
Technical and backup services
Brand associations
Refund Policy

4.What Is Your Customer’s Cost?

(a)Another fallacy is to equate the customer’s cost with your cost. A cost from the customers point of view includes:

the risk of interrupted supply
poor quality
ineffective service
no back up etc.

(b)“Cost” also includes other costs of doing business, such as:

hassles when placing orders
inconvenience etc

(c)What all this means is that the price that you charge your customer is not the customer’s final cost and is not the only thing the customer takes into account in determining his/her buying decision.

5.Why Do Your Customers Buy?

(a)You need to analyse your customers and understand why they buy and why they have not already bought from your competitors.

(b)It would also help if you could ascertain who were their previous suppliers.

For further information, refer to Paper 18.20 - "Customer Knowledge and Service".

6.Competitors Intelligence File

(a)It would greatly assist if in your competitors Intelligence File you have recorded information on each of your competitors relative to their:
selling prices
back up service
technical knowledge etc

as this will greatly assist you in determining on which of the “buy decision perspectives” that the customer is interested in talking to you. By undertaking this type of analysis you may decide that price is not a heavily weighted item in the customer’s buying decision.

(b)In the market place there are many businesses which charge 5%, 10% and 20% higher than their competitors, yet still run very sound profitable businesses. In many cases the businesses charging the higher prices are the most successful businesses. They have achieved this because of excellence in the other items which affect the buying decision of a customer including:
back up service
technical knowledge
understanding the customer

For further information, refer to Paper 21.13 - "Competitors".

7.Customer Decision Process

(a)The customer will ultimately decide what they are prepared to pay to purchase the product but in so doing they have taken into account a whole range of issues including:
features of the product or service
product quality
service or warranty

(b)This means that business people need to know their customers and understand why particular customers are buying from them as part of the evaluation of the price setting equation.

8.Understand Customers Perception On Pricing

(a)Some people advocate the only way to build market share in a competitive market is to price low to gain market entry and then price upward once desirable market penetration has been achieved so as to increase profit margins.

(b)This tactic is undertaken with many potential risks.

(c)Once you have introduced a product at a low price it creates a low price/value relationship in the consumers mind.

(d)Once there it is very difficult to remove.

(e)That is not to say that it cannot be done, but the advertising, marketing and promotion expenditure required to change that price/value image at a later date can be very expensive.

(f)Understanding a customers perception of your pricing is one of the key elements in developing pricing strategies for business people.

9.What Are The Business’s Overheads?

It is essential that you know your business overheads. What does it cost you to operate your business at a particular level of operation? To understand your business overhead costs, it will be necessary to prepare:

(a)Annual Budgets - detailing estimated cost of operation at various operational levels.

(b)Budgets for investments in stock and debtors so that the effect of operation at various levels on stock and debtors can be determined. For example, if your business only achieves a stockturn of 3 (this means that you only turnover stock three times per annum) and your average debtors balance is outstanding for 73 days, then you need to take this into account in planning what extra funds you are going to require to finance increasing sales to another operational level. It is dangerous to assume that your creditors will always allow you to extend your terms of credit. You may have to increase your bank overdraft or borrow additional funds. The interest and borrowing costs incurred need to be calculated so that they are included in your expense budgets.

(c)Cash Flow Forecasts. Once the operational budgets and stock and debtors budgets have been prepared, it is possible to prepare creditors budgets and then the cash flow forecast. If you are operating in overdraft the preparation of a cash flow forecast will enable the calculation of interest to be made so that this amount can be included in the expense budget. For further information, refer to Paper 05.35 - "Budget and Cash Flow Forecasts".

(d)Preparation of Periodic Accounting Reports (on a monthly basis) will greatly facilitate the comparison of actual costs incurred as compared to the budget to see whether costs have increased and therefore highlight whether there should be any adjustments made to selling prices. For further information, refer to Paper 05.50 - "Management Accounts (Monthly) Quarterly”.

(e)Preparation of revised business overhead cost lists. If the monthly financial statements indicate that operational costs are higher than what was originally budgeted, this will require the preparation of revised business overhead cost lists that are then utilised in the selling price calculations.

(f)Weekly Performance Calculations. Most businesses will benefit from the calculation of the business’s estimated profitability on a weekly basis. This will give an early indication as to whether the pricing strategies and cost estimates included in the budgets are realistic. For further information, refer to Paper 01.60 - "Weekly Performance Estimate Report".

10.Customers’ Perception On Prices

One aspect many business operators do not consider is the effect pricing has on customers’ perceptions. Since businesses rely on their customers for success, their customers perceptions towards a business and its products and services is extremely important. As a general rule, customers perceptions are as follows:
(a)High quality product sold at a high price - “premium goods”
(b)High quality product at a low price - “a superb value”
(c)A medium quality product at a high price - “over charging”
(d)A medium quality product at a low price - “good value”
(e)A low quality product at a low price - “cheap price”
(f)A low quality product at a high price - “a rip off”

There are obviously gray areas between these categories, but they give an indication of what customers expect and what they perceive in a business pricing policy. For further information, refer to Paper 18.01 - "Customer Service".

11. Mark Up/Gross Profit

You need to ask yourself some fundamental questions.

(a)What gross profit percentage do you expect to achieve from your business?

(b)How does this gross profit percentage compare with competitors in your industry?

(c)What is your sales mix? In other words, do you know what sales contributions each line of products that you are selling makes to your total sales figure?

(d)What are the individual gross profit percentages of the various products?

(e)What are the customers’ perception of your products?

12.Sales Statistics

Every business needs to understand key aspects of it’s sales statistics if it is going to be successful. These include:

(a)The business’s sales mix.
(b)Customers’ perceptions of the product or service that the business is offering.
(c)Sales being achieved per product and individual departmental sales.
(d)Sales being achieved per hour.
(e)Sales being achieved per employee.
(f)The gross profit being earned by individual employees on the sales made by him/her.

August 7, 2010

Lotte Mart Indonesia

Lotte Mart Indonesia

Lotte Mart Korea taking over macro cash and carry in 2008 the Dutch company which consists of 18 outlets spread all over Indonesia. This month, August 2010, Lotte Mart reopen its 20th outlets of hypermarket with a new concept. These outlets locate in Gandaria area south of Jakarta.

Outlet with sales area more than 6000 m2 is expected to be the first store with a new strategy to introduce points system (cash back) for each value of certain customer’s transaction. Collaborating with BNI bank, lotte try to treat their customer with convenience shopping concept by using the facilities of the shopping card, where other retailers have using it first, like Carrefour with BCA, the Giant with Citi Bank, hypermarket with Bank Mandiri. Lotte Mart is also adding other facilities to their customers such as, present playground for children, and can eating of various sample for free.

Lotte mart with hypermarkets concept established in Korean 1998, later 12 years has developed into a major retailer that has 86 branches dikorea, China 78, Indonesia 20 and Vietnam two stores, current total is 185 outlets. With excellence global sourcing and supply chain systems, Lotte Mart is expected to compete with other retailers by providing a competitive price and other convenient facilities. Food and beverages distribution and heavy chemical industry group is fundamental asset for Lotte lead the retail industry in Asia.

Lotte Mart Indonesia

Lotte Mart Indonesia

Lotte Mart Korea taking over from macro cash and carry in 2008 the Dutch company which consists of 18 outlets spread all over Indonesia. This month, August 2010, Lotte Mart reopen its 20th outlets of hypermarket with a new concept. These outlets locate in Gandaria area south of Jakarta.

Outlet with sales area more than 6000 m2 is expected to be the first store with a new strategy to introduce points system (cash back) for each value of certain customer’s transaction. Collaborating with BNI bank, lotte try to treat their customer with convenience shopping concept by using the facilities of the shopping card, where other retailers have using it first, like Carrefour with BCA, the Giant with Citi Bank, hypermarket with Bank Mandiri. Lotte Mart is also adding other facilities to their customers such as, present playground for children, and can eating of various sample for free.

Lotte mart with hypermarkets concept established in Korean 1998, later 12 years has developed into a major retailer that has 86 branches dikorea, China 78, Indonesia 20 and Vietnam two stores, current total is 185 outlets. With excellence global sourcing and supply chain systems, Lotte Mart is expected to compete with other retailers by providing a competitive price and other convenient facilities. Food and beverages distribution and heavy chemical industry group is fundamental asset for Lotte lead the retail industry in Asia.

July 23, 2010

Retail trend of Global expansion

According to AT kearney research, core retail business, america and europe, slow growth. Asia and South America increasing expansion attractive of retail market.

China, India, Brazil and Russia remain the highest priority markets for retail expansion according to these executives, with nearly 80 percent of respondents citing one of these markets as part of their firms’ plans for short-term international growth.

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June 19, 2010

Vendor barrier enter Modern Retail Outlets

It is very hard to make selling in modern retailers in Indonesia. It's difficult entry, many costs. It's so, does not guarantee its products glance buyers,said a retail supplier of modern, half-complaining.

Supplier's complaint seems to be tolerated. Because, entering the goods (production) to modern retailers (hypermarkets, supermarkets, or mini) is not an easy affair. Especially for small suppliers. They usually have to comply with the trading terms. In addition, they also have to pay a listing fee and such fee gondola fee. However, all is not guarantee that they ogled merchandise buyers, because they can not just strategic placement. although its already paid, does not mean that suppliers can sleep calmly. Still overshadowed the possibility of its products in-delete by retailers, Sambas said Winata, Marketing Director of PT Tang Mas (Group 2 Tang).

According to Sambas, in order to enter the modern retail, other than taking things easy is difficult, also cost a lot. There are several requirements that bind the supplier if they want to continue displaying their products. Among other things, pay attention to the existence of term trading system. Usually, the modern retailer requested a portion of 30% of sales - if negotiate can be 10%. Also, there is a gondola fee and dancing-up fee (so products can be installed in the hallway shelf). Each retailer does have different standards. One of the hypermarket, for example, charge a fee of Rp 2 million per week per store. Imposition of costs also continued to shelving on ordinary shelves. This is specific to a particular retailer who is Å“menjualâ € â €? shelf. The goal, seducing suppliers put a lot of product. The cost varied, ranging from USD 500 thousand to Rp 1 million per month per store. And there are still many other expenses that must be borne by suppliers, such as promotions.

So, how to suppliers (producers) can successfully market its products in modern retail, so the cost of the issuance is not in vain? â € Å“Agar successful working of modern markets need effective ways and techniques, â €? Joko said, consulting the distribution of Kasa Research. According to Joko, there are several alternative techniques or tips that can be done by suppliers or brand owners to marketing its products in modern retail network to be successful, ranging from studying consumer behavior to place the key account manager is good at negotiation (see box).

Meanwhile, Harry Sanusi, CEO and President Director of Kino Corporation, suggested suppliers should be clever-clever chose rent. Once a place is selected, the supplier should try to find a location or a certain level is good. For example, for children's products certainly display adjusted with the height of children. Terminology, eye-level. For example, in the end gondola, at the checkout counter, or on regular shelves. However, recognized Harry, all it needs big cost.

In addition, if the product can already signed, suppliers must be clever in negotiations. Similarly, in terms of promotion. In addition to the promotion with retailers, suppliers also need to promote their own products. In essence, the supplier must find a way so that their products could be leading. â € Å“We have changed from number one or die. The only way, ya have to create demand, â €? said Harry.

Harry's argument, if it could be number one in a modern retail outlets, a product must have high bargaining power, so easy to negotiate. so, it was determined by the achievement of product sales itself.

Harry admitted, many laws and disproportionate bargaining between suppliers and retailers. For example, in terms of promotion, the retailer has to determine the supplier must perform a few times a promotion. Suppliers also charged campaign, which reached 10% of sales. then, they sent selecting programs that fit with us and adjusted with a set budget retailers,said Harry. but, if our products could become the market leader, the retailer will not be arbitrary. Therefore, they must sell products.

Harry was also suggested, so that no out-of-stock items or to process expedited shipping (from the warehouse to the shelf), the supplier should put the sales clerk (usually termed a sales promotion girl [SPG]). Because, although the retailer uses an automated system, the possibility of human error is still there. Thus, sales personnel need to be placed there. Kino parties, for example, placing 1-2 SPG (houseful and personal care), depending on the large-small its hypermarkets. In fact, Kino has a mobile SPG, which move from one retail outlet to other retail outlets. For example, one to three hyermarket SPG, and there are only stay in one place. Depending on their needs. â € Å“Kalau not be managed like that, bujetnya not strong. If large companies could put three SPG's more, â €? said Harry.

According to Harry, to be displayed in modern retail outlets, one product could cost you different. It's known, each retailer has a different tariff. For example, for personal care products in one of the hypermarket is the charge could reach USD 6 million. Rate it just for one item at a store outlets. If you have five items, for example, means counting: 5 x USD 6 million x number of stores. â € Å“Belum again, if a different size multiplied by two again. For example if the size of 50 ml with 100 ml, is multiplied by two. This count will change if suppliers had only one category. Not multiplied, can be directly charged USD 600 million at the same time, â €? said Harry.

Given the high fees charged when they want to put products into a modern retail network, Budiono Gondosiswanto have certain tricks. President Director and owner of PT songgo Geni Majum - manufacturer of household cleaning (detergent, hand soap, floor cleaner) - it would prefer to be maklun (managing outsourcing contracts) for the house brand / store brand of a hypermarket.

The result, according Budiono, very satisfying. Surplus brand its products which are able to occupy the top three brands in terms of sales for the category of household cleaning products at Carrefour. No doubt, some of modern retailers in Indonesia hunt for his services, such as Hero, Giant, Alpha and Indomaret.

According Budiono, a house brand maklun for the modern retailer costs are relatively lighter than go with the brand itself. "The important thing is to maintain price levels remain below the average market price, with good enough quality. During that can be maintained, then we will continue their goods birthday message, â €? he said. Still, the risks also exist, namely development costs, production and packaging is charged to the producer. Until the year 2002 is still a maklun Budiono house brand for several hypermarkets and other modern retailers, with a turnover of USD 250-300 million / month. However, currently only supply company for Makro, Alfa and Yogya.

Ways of Product Marketing in the Modern Retail

1. Learn patterns of consumer behavior and shopping patterns. With a deep insight on consumer buying behavior, can be an alternative position of the corresponding product placement, do not complicate consumers, but its rating is not expensive space. Could also be developed for the determination of the preferred type of consumer promotion, price and discount that can motivate purchase, etc..

2. Increase in equity products / brands that have a high attraction, so that no space is too dependent on a high rating, but still has a high turnover.

3. Learn and understand the detailed procedures and trading terms so that it can be a combination of techniques and strategies are customized according to the potential product / brand.

4. Set the main purpose of each product / brand: whether to trigger the selling, maintaining product availability, build awareness or the other, so that costs and resource allocation can be adjusted, not beaten flat.

5. Understand the true strength and weakness of the product / brand that can be developed that are owned (or avoided) strategy (less) competitive against rivals.

6. Select and place the key account managers who have skills to negotiate and good interpersonal relations. Not infrequently trading terms and rigid rules can be penetrated by those who have good negotiation skills.

7. Keep good relations with the modern outlets. This could facilitate the settlement or negotiation of certain deals. Moreover, in Indonesia to build good relationships often more effective than other techniques.

Two of modern Ritel in Banten do not have license legal completely

Modern retail sealed because assessed do not meet the licensing,Alfamart Pelamunan Village and Village Alfamidi Kramatwatu.
Radar observations of Banten, Thursday (3 / 6), although the sliding door (rolling door) shop has been padlocked by the district, both modern retail was still open. Alfamart in Pelamunan, for example, of three doors sealed only one door on the right. Meanwhile, two other doors opened so that can still perform transactions as usual. Likewise Alfamidi located in Jalan Raya Cilegon.
Camat Kramatwatu Nur Saad said it had asked both the store to complete the licensing letter if you do not want closed. According to him, in accordance with decree No. 27 Year 2006, there were at least four business permit that must be adopted ie trade business license (SIUP), place of business permit (SITU), sign the list of companies (TDP), and disturbance permit. "All the conditions were not taken, so we seal," he said.
Previously, said Nur Saad, it also has sealed the two stores on March 29 and then for the same reason, but both stubborn. "I'll be naughty again if I close all the doors and I will not tolerate anymore," he said.
Johari, Head Pelamunan Alfamart Stores, said that his shop was legal. He said after being reprimanded by his party district party directly completed in accordance with required permits. "Already we take care to head office, after which administers the affairs of the central to local government," said Johari.
Khoirullah, Corporate Communications PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, denied Alfamart unlicensed. He ensures that every company Alfa Group, founded always comply with applicable law. "There's no way we open a business without a license, it's all we care to related parties," he said.
Area Operations Manager Alfamidi Tangerang Banten Yudi Sobari denied when it was confirmed last night sealed his shop. But he admitted that he had received a letter of invitation from the District Kramatwatu to attend district office. "Invitations at headquarters. So I do not know the time and agenda, perhaps only silaturrahim course, "said Yudi.
He also said, Alfamidi being built already has a full license for each there is the establishment of the store there is always a permit. "All the licensing file at the central office. Our shop is legal, "he said

June 6, 2010

Traditional Markets Difficult to Growth

After experiencing an economic boom as a driver of the city in mid 1980 and complacent over the past two decades, traditional markets in Jakarta now faces a difficult problem.
On one hand, the traditional market surrounded by modern shopping centers. On the other hand the difficulties of traditional market stakeholders to improve the competitiveness of traditional shopping centers.

Modern Market which was established by multinationals and national companies surrounded the downtown to the outskirts of Jakarta. Modern Market has all the comfort that captured the traditional market customer market.

In the period 1995-2008, the number of supermarkets increased from about 100 units to 210 units. Total shopping center rose from about 50 units to 110 units and mini increased from 100 to 650 units in that period

Number of modern markets make the number of traditional markets custemer plummeted. Chairman of the association of market traders across Indonesia DKI Jakarta, Hasan Basri said that about 10 000 traditional market stall empty left by them

Modern Market Change Consumers Life style

The growth of an increasingly modern markets surged to change the style of consumer in making decisions and buy products.

"The rapid growth of modern markets also change ourselves, change the way kiita as consumers in making decisions and buy products," said President Director of PT Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS),

According to him, market conditions in Indonesia have undergone many fundamental changes in recent years, particularly in terms of marketing channels from a variety of products for consumption.

Also, when this modern market consisting of hypermarkets, supermarkets, mini, which contributed almost half of the products consumed in Jakarta.

He added, it is impossible for the staff of marketing, sales, or distribution to ignore the role of today's modern market. This is not a trend or fashion, since this is a phenomenon that will continue to exist in Indonesia.

"All of this means that how the marketing activities undertaken has really changed and what is happening in retail stores is a truth," he said.

Based on the data it possesses, consumer has more choices today are much more plentiful in terms of product categories and brands in the category.

Then, retail stores currently present with the existence of adequate space for their goods marketed to conduct in-store communication and promotion.

In addition, there is an opportunity for consumers to choose their own time to shop (compared to shopping in traditional stores), making the consumer like a king.

"Packaging, packaging size, and price to be easily seen by consumers and this has the effect of a much more important," he said.

Next, shop at the modern market like this (especially in the hypermarkets) into an experience by itself and as a joint activity for the family outside the home

Modern and Traditional Market Grows 10% in 2010

Research Institute PT AGB Nielsen Media Research (Nielsen) predicts that sales growth rates in traditional markets and modern in Indonesia year 2010 will increase 10 percent. Sales contribution is still dominant in the modern market will increase to 20 percent and traditional markets itself up 7 percent.

Director, Retailer Services Nielsen, Yongky Susilo Said in Jakarta,

"We predicted that total market sales of modern and traditional can grow 90-10 percent," he said.

He said the year 2009 alone sales growth target to 3 percent or traditional markets significant decline experienced from last year's 20 percent.

"This is due to the low purchasing power that is also low because of global crisis and the inflation rate which was in position 2%, while for 27 percent of the modern market," he said.

The more rapid growth of mini, continued Yongky, will be the main attraction in 2010 with 20% market share.

"But the traditional market with 80% market share will still be the main objective Indonesian consumers who want products that have a low quality for affordable prices such as vegetables and fruits, plus the traditional markets such as the wagon began to resemble vegetables, almost there in every corner of the shelter, "he explained.

The same place the Executive Director of Retail services, Nielsen Media Research Teguh Yunanto explains, the traditional 80 percent market share could dwindle if some of the products sold in the market tradsional also sold in a modern market.

"For example, if smoking was issued then only 60 per cent market share, if the egg was also issued to shrink again," he said.

But he also said sales would still increase because the current consumer reaction is quite evident from improved consumer confidence index rose from 77 in April 2009, to 86 in October 2009.

"Indonesia has become the country's two positive customers," he added.

Modern trade, still become stronger in the year 2010 although at a lower pace, fostering its contribution 30% to 37% within five years. "And more than 800 outlets open a new modern trading in the year 2009. This shows that convenience and proximity play an important role in consumers' minds," he said.

Modern and Traditional Market Grows 10% in 2010

Research Institute PT AGB Nielsen Media Research (Nielsen) predicts that sales growth rates in traditional markets and modern in Indonesia year 2010 will increase 10 percent. Sales contribution is still dominant in the modern market will increase to 20 percent and traditional markets itself up 7 percent.

Director, Retailer Services Nielsen, Yongky Susilo Said in Jakarta,

"We predicted that total market sales of modern and traditional can grow 90-10 percent," he said.

He said the year 2009 alone sales growth target to 3 percent or traditional markets significant decline experienced from last year's 20 percent.

"This is due to the low purchasing power that is also low because of global crisis and the inflation rate which was in position 2%, while for 27 percent of the modern market," he said.

The more rapid growth of mini, continued Yongky, will be the main attraction in 2010 with 20% market share.

"But the traditional market with 80% market share will still be the main objective Indonesian consumers who want products that have a low quality for affordable prices such as vegetables and fruits, plus the traditional markets such as the wagon began to resemble vegetables, almost there in every corner of the shelter, "he explained.

The same place the Executive Director of Retail services, Nielsen Media Research Teguh Yunanto explains, the traditional 80 percent market share could dwindle if some of the products sold in the market tradsional also sold in a modern market.

"For example, if smoking was issued then only 60 per cent market share, if the egg was also issued to shrink again," he said.

But he also said sales would still increase because the current consumer reaction is quite evident from improved consumer confidence index rose from 77 in April 2009, to 86 in October 2009.

"Indonesia has become the country's two positive customers," he added.

Modern trade, still become stronger in the year 2010 although at a lower pace, fostering its contribution 30% to 37% within five years. "And more than 800 outlets open a new modern trading in the year 2009. This shows that convenience and proximity play an important role in consumers' minds," he said.

May 15, 2010

Traders Karbela: Close Modern Retail!

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Approximately 50 traditional merchants Karet, Setiabudi, staged a demonstration in front yard in South Jakarta Mayor Office, Jalan Raya Prapanca 9, Kebayoran Baru, Thursday (22/04/2010).

The traders who are members of the Council of the Institute of Traditional Market Traders (Lempar) is demanding to the Municipality of South Jakarta to close one retail business (Alfamart) that only about 2.5 meters from the location of Rear Rubber Market (Karbela).

In its action, dozens of these masses and shouting yells in South Jakarta City Administration requesting permission to close one of the modern retail businesses located adjacent to the Market Karbela, Setiabudi.

In its action, the period also had the chance to throwing rotten tomatoes at the mayor's office in South Jakarta. The merchants assume the existence of modern retailing distance adjacent to the traditional market is very detrimental to the merchants because the income is always reaching for dropped since the existence of modern retail business.

Massa also had questioned the Regulation of the President (Presidential) Number 112 Year 2007 concerning Settlement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers, and Store and Instruction Modern Governor of Jakarta No. 115 of 2006 on the Suspension of Licensing and Regulation Minimarket in DKI Jakarta No. 2 / 2002 concerning of market Private Welfare.

Siswanto (24), coordinator of the action, said it strongly reject the existence of the modern retail business. In addition to violating the rules and regulations, he said, the modern retail business was also hurt the merchants Karbela Market.
If you do not hear our demands, then we will return to action with a larger amount of mass

"For that, we ask the South Jakarta Mayor Syahrul Effendi to immediately shut down and revoke the business license retail," said Siswanto, Thursday.

Several representatives of demonstrators could engage in a dialogue with representatives of the South Jakarta City Administration, represented the Head of Economic Section Maweto Jimmy. In addition to demand repeal of modern retailing, the demonstrators also questioned the existence of one permits the modern retail location near Market Karbela.

To the representatives of demonstrators, Jimmy promised to continue the aspirations submitted to Syahrul Effendi. "Aspirations of the brothers will be forwarded to our mayor," he said.

Once satisfied to take action and had the audience with the South Jakarta municipal government representatives, the demonstrators were finally disbanded by order while getting escorted from the police.

"If you do not hear our demands, we will return to action with a larger amount of mass," said Suharno, other traders. (Agus / rhezky)


May 12, 2010

Carrefour Ready to accomodate 38 000 of SMEs

PT Carrefour Indonesia this month will create a pilot program in the People's Corner Carrefour Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta.

Commissioner of Carrefour Indonesia Chairul Tanjung said the program aims to give opportunities to people who have small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to market its products in Carrefour.

"This is the first time, after that followed in other Carrefour," he said in Jakarta on Wednesday, May 12, 2010.

In addition, according to him, he will doing research how best Carrefour in the future could synergize with traditional markets.

He explained that next year, targeting the construction of twenty Carrefour outlets across Indonesia. Meanwhile, thirteen outlets will be targeted expansion this year.

In order to give SMEs the opportunity to enter the retail business, Carrefour Indonesia and the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to empower SMEs.

"This MoU to boost the economy of society," he said.

Director of Carrefour Indonesia Shafie Shamsuddin said, with the MoU, the nearly 38,000 SMEs throughout Indonesia can benefit from an active network of 80 outlets of Carrefour in Indonesia.

HIPMI Chairman Erwin Aksa said that the MoU could be realized and running well. To that end, a special committee be formed to the desired result can be achieved. (Hs)

Chairul Tanjung go into Minimarket Immediately

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The Group's retail company, Transritel, plans to open outlets minimarket (convenient store) in major cities across Indonesia from next year.

"We're going to convenient stores. So people can buy a short needs, rather than daily or monthly cooking needs," said the owner of The Group, Chairul Tanjung, after signing a memorandum of understanding with the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) in Jakarta, Wednesday (12 / 5 / 2010).

According to him, outlets initially will be opened in major cities before reaching into other areas in the form of regular mini. Chairul said, now it's still in preparing a business plan small scale retail. However, he made sure, minimarket outlets, that will have the word "trance" in their name.

"His dream can wake up 10 000 mini outlet in 10 years. Later we will also go in the grocery store," he said. Chairul further said that after the store had grown to 10,000 units, it also will develop a form of franchising, so that people can come together to develop.

"If there are 11 000 stalls, the rest we give opportunities to other friends," he said.

He added that his store would be convenient to sell local products, such as sus Merdeka in Bandung or empek-empek in Palembang.

Previously, Transritel has acquired PT Carrefour Indonesia, so have the majority of the French company's shares by 40 percent.

May 11, 2010

Laba bersih Carrefour SA th 2009 turun 74 persen

Carrefour SA Perancis Jumat mengatakan bahwa keuntungan bersih tahun lalu turun 74 persen, dipengaruhi oleh lebih dari € 1 juta (1.34 juta $) dalam restrukturisasi biaya terkait dengan toko shuttering di Italia dan biaya turn over operasional.

Carrefour adalah pengecer di dunia kedua terbesar di belakang Wal-Mart Stores Inc mengatakan bahwa keuntungan bersih tahun 2009 turun menjadi € 327.juta ($ 444.juta ) dari 1270 juta € di tahun 2008.

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May 7, 2010

RFID and Supply Chain Management

Technology is inevitable in every sphere of life today; it has always made things easier. Wal-Mart works on the same strategy, from the above description; we can understand how diversified Wal-Mart is and the volume of cargo it needs to handle for each of its business’s. Traditionally, it had started with computerization of individual stores with small billing machines and had then led to centralized billing for record keeping. The technology has grown by leaps and bounds and has become increasingly challenging to maintain large databases of information and maintain records. Powerful computers networked with high performance clusters maintain and store this data. This gives a picture as to how technology plays a vital role in today’s’ businesses.

Traditionally, technology has been upgraded in billing systems and for storage purposes. A new area where technology could be applied to, where many expenses could be saved was in inventory management and logistics. Wal-Mart being so huge, needed to keep track of men and material sent across different countries and had to maintain hundreds of warehouses across the world. Bar-codes have been initially identified as a suitable technology to meet the purpose.

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May 4, 2010

Retail Price Strategy

Retail Price

The right price is one consumers are willing and able to pay and retailers are willing to accept in exchange for merchandise and services!

The right price allows the retailer to make a fair profit while providing the consumer with value satisfaction before, during, and after the sale

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Changing Retail Model

In response to its customers’ changing lifestyles, the Carrefour group has been testing new store concepts. Rollout began in 2006.

1. MaxiDia: a focus on discount prices

2. Mini Hyper: big selection in a smaller package

3. Carrefour Express: a successful supermarket

please click here for detail

Lotte Grup Take Over 19 outlet of Makro Indonesia

JAKARTA--MI: Lotte Grup, kelompok usaha asal Korea Selatan yang bergerak di sektor distribusi, makanan dan minuman, serta bahan kimia berat, telah mengambil alih 19 gerai Makro Indonesia dan mengubah logonya menjadi LOTTEMART WHOLESALE mulai 14 April 2010.

Perubahan logo akan dilakukan bertahap dimulai dengan perubahan logo Makro yang terletak di Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur. Kemudian diikuti gerai Makro di Jakarta dan Bandung pada 19 April, Jawa dan Bali 26 April, Jawa Tengah 3 Mei, dan Sumatra 11 Mei. Direncanakan, 19 gerai tersebut selesai berubah nama pada 21 mei 2010 yang diakhiri oleh gerai di Sulawesi dan Kalimantan.

Perusahaan yang saat ini menempati posisi keenam terbesar di perputaran roda bisnis Korea tersebut juga berencana untuk membuka 30 gerai barunya di Indonesia dalam lima tahun ke depan. "Kami akan berkomitmen untuk membuka empat gerai lainnya di tahun ini dan 30 gerai baru dalam lima tahun ke depan dengan konsep hypermarket modern," ungkap Moon Young-Pyo, Presiden Direktur Lottemart Wholesale, di kantor pusat Lottemart Wholesale Indonesia, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta, Rabu (14/4).

Sejak November 2008, Lottemart telah mengambil alih 100% saham PT Makro Indonesia. Namun, Moon menyatakan bahwa Lotte Wholeshale tidak akan mengubah konsep dasar dari Makro Indonesia sebagai pemain utama bidang perkulakan di Indonesia dan tetap memfokuskan pada pelanggan korporasi (HORECA yakni Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, UKM, penyedia jasa).

Meskipun demikian, perusahaan juga akan melayani pelanggan individual di masing-masing gerai. Saat ini, pelanggan korporasinya meningkat 15% yaitu sebesar 1.300 orang dari sebelumnya pada 2008 sebanyak 1.200. Omzet penjualan juga meningkat sebesar 20% per tahun sejak 2008.

Konsep bisnis yang dikembangkan perusahaan yang namanya terinspirasi dari tokoh Charlotte dalam novel karya Goethe tersebut adalah sebagai pusat perkulakan Lottemart Wholesale dan pusat perbelanjaan modern Lottemart (ritel). "Penggabungan dua konsep bisnis ini akan menjadi tren baru di pasar modern," katanya. Dalam upaya melaksanakan program tersebut, Lotte Grup berencana melakukan investasi sedikitnya US$860 juta melalui afiliasinya, LotteMart.

Perubahan tersebut tidak hanya ditekankan dalam hal logo. Moon mengungkap bahwa akan diadakan perubahan besar, di antara lain kehigienisan toko, tata letak toko, pintu masuk, display toko, hanging bannner, promotion display, hingga seragam pegawai. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan-pelanggan yang selama ini setia kepada Makro. Di samping itu, Lottemart juga akan mengubah private brand mereka seperti ARO dan Savepak yang berubah menjadi Lottemart. (*/OL-04)



Butuh Waktu Untuk Mengganti Label Barang di Pasaran

JAKARTA. Meski persiapan mepet, namun PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) tetap melakukan persiapan terkait wajib label Indonesia. Manajer Umum Promosi dan Penjualan YMKI, Bambang Asmarabudi mengatakan, tak ada masalah untuk menyematkan label Indonesia pada barang yang baru diproduksi.
Persoalan justru terdapat pada barang yang sudah beredar di pasar. Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No.62/2009 tentang Kewajiban Pencantuman Label pada Barang memang mewajibkan seluruh produk baru dan yang telah beredar di pasar untuk berbalut label bahasa Indonesia.
Label berbahasa Indonesia yang dimaksud ialah meliputi jenis barang, cara penggunaan, simbol bahaya atau tanda peringatan, serta nama dan alamat produsen dan importir. Ukuran label ini bisa disesuaikan dengan besar kecilnya barang. Kalau label tidak mungkin dicantumkan pada barang karena ukurannya terlampau kecil, boleh juga membubuhkannya pada kemasan atau berupa petunjuk terpisah.
Untuk produk baru, wajib label Indonesia efektif per 1 Juli nanti. Sementara untuk barang yang sudah beredar di pasar, wajib bersalin dengan label Indonesia sejak akhir tahun nanti. Bambang mengatakan, barang yang sudah beredar di pasar jumlahnya mencapai ribuan unit.
"Untuk menghabiskan barang itu butuh waktu tiga sampai empat tahun, sementara waktu yang diberikan cuma sampai akhir tahun, bagaimana caranya?" keluh Bambang kepada KONTAN pekan silam. Untuk itu, YMKI mengusulkan agar waktu penggantian label pada produk yang telah beredar diperpanjang.
Soal label Indonesia pada produk impor, YMKI mengaku tak ada masalah. Soalnya, produk impor di YMKI cuma sekitar 10% hingga 20%. Biasanya barang ini diimpor dari Jepang. Sebaliknya, barang yang diproduksi di Indonesia juga diekspor ke 30 negara, termasuk Jepang dan AS.
Terang penerapan aturan ini akan membuat ada perbedaan label antara produk yang beredar di Indonesia dengan yang diekspor. Karena pelabelan ini hanya persoalan pencetakan kemasan, Bambang pun tak melihat aturan ini akan mempengaruhi penjualan. Toh label Indonesia tetap bisa bersanding dengan label bahasa Inggris.


April 26, 2010

Trans group Beli Carrefour Indonesia

Para Group melalui Trans Corp mengakusisi saham PT Carrefour Indonesia sebanyak 40 persen dengan nilai akusisi lebih dari Rp 3 triliun. Dengan akusisi saham sebanyak itu, Trans Corp menjadi pemegang saham terbesar di perusahaan retail tersebut.

Akusisi itu diumumkan langsung oleh Chairul Tanjung, pemilik dan Komisaris Utama Para Group, Jumat (15/4).

Chairul mengatakan, sebelum pengumuman akusisi yang didahului rapat umum pemegang saham itu, Trans Corp telah melakukan pembicaraan dan penandatangan penjualan PT Carrefour Indonesia di kantor pusat Carrefour di Perancis pada 12 Maret 2010. Penandatangan itu dilakukan oleh CEO Carrefour Group, Lars Olofsson, dan Chairul Tanjung.

"Pembelian saham ini adalah langkah awal kami sebagai perusahaan nasional untuk membeli perusahaan multinasional. Selama ini yang sering terjadi perusahaan multinasional membeli perusahaan nasional. Ini adalah titik balik bisnis di Indonesia," katanya.

Pemegang saham Carrefour Indonesia lainnya adalah Carrefour SA 39 persen, Carrefour Netherland BV 9,5 persen, dan Onesia BV 11,5 persen.

Chairul mengakui saat ini masih ada citra negatif tentang Carrefour. Karena itu dia menargetkan dalam tiga tahun mendatang, Carrefour Indonensia akan menjadi perusahaan yang dicintai oleh rakyat Indonesia, baik konsumen maupun mitra bisnis.

Pojok rakyat

Dia juga berkeinginan pembelian perusahaan retail terbesar di Indonesia ini akan memberikan kesempatan kepada semua pelaku usaha, mulai dari kalangan usaha kecil menengah (UKM), nelayan, petani, dan peternak untuk dapat menjual produknya di Carrefour. Termasuk para komunitas kecil seperti ibu rumah tangga dan PKK juga bisa berusaha di Carrefour. Untuk komunitas kecil itu juga telah disiapakan proyek percontohan melalui community development yang ditangani oleh Psikologi Sarlito Wirawan.

Komunitas itu akan diberikan tempat dengan nama Pojok Rakyat. Pojok Rakyat ini, kata Chairul, akan ada di semua gerai Carrefour di Indonesia. Yang menjadi target adalah komunitas ibu rumah tangga atau PKK yang berada dalam radius tertentu dari lokasi gerai. Sebagai proyek percontohan, Pojok Rakyat akan dibuat di Carrefour Lebakbulus, Jakarta Selatan.

Sarlito Wirawan mengatakan, sebelum Pojok Rakyat berjalan telah dilakukan survey di Jakarta dan ke depanya survey juga akan dilakukan di luar Jakarta. Dalam survey itu berdasarkan mengenai anggapan bahwa perusahaan retail menjadi momok bagi pedagang pasar tradisional. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa pasar tradisional dan pasar ritel modern mempunyai segmen berbeda. Termasuk lokasinya yang tidak terlalu dekat, lebih dari 3 kilometer.

"Kecuali yang ada di Blok M. Di lokasi itu memang sebelumnya merupakan pasar tradiosional. Secara umum masing-masing pasar itu mempunyai segmen tersendiri dan kebutuhan sendiri. Hasil lainnya adalah para pedagang pasar tradisional juga ingin mendapatkan bantuan dari Carrefour. Mulai bagaimana membuat kemasan yang menarik, pemasaran, hingga cara mendapatkan modal usaha," kata Sarlito.


Untuk pembelian saham sebanyak 40 persen itu Trans Corp mendapatkan dana pinjaman dari konsorsium yang beranggotakan empat bank asing. Keempat bank itu yang mengucurkan pinjaman hingga 350 juta dolar adalah Credit Suisse, Citibank, JP Morgan, dan ING.

"Secara detail mengenai nilai pinjaman dan akusisi itu saya tidak memegang datanya. Yang pasti nilai akusisi itu lebih dari 300 juta dolar atau lebih dari Rp 3 triliun," kata Chairul.

Dengan menjadi pemegang saham terbanyak, Trans Corps mempunyai hak untuk menempatkan empat orang di jajaran komisaris dan dua orang di jajaran direksi. Jajaran komisaris antara lain Chairul Tanjung sebagai Presiden Komisaris, mantan Kapolri Jenderal (Purn) Suroyo Bimantoro dan mantan Kepala BIN Letjen AM Hendroprioyono sebagai komisaris. Chairul mengatakan, komisaris lainnya dan dua direksi masih dicari.

Sementara itu Presiden Direktur Carrefour Indonesia Shafie Shamsuddin mengatakan, pada 2010 jumlah Carrefour akan menambah 13 gerai baru. Sampai saat ini jumlah gerai yang sudah ada sebanyak 79 gerai.

Dokter gigi Chairul Tanjung adalah salah satu konglomerat pribumi yang namanya terus moncer. Pemilik sejumlah usaha besar seperti Bank Mega, Trans Tv, Trans 7, Coffee Bean, dan Bandung Supermal ini dinobatkan oleh Majalah Forbes pada bulan lalu sebagai satu dari 1.000 orang terkaya di dunia. Total nilai aset CT --panggilan Chairul Tanjung-- yang lahir di Jakarta, 16 Juni 1962 adalah 1 miliar dolar

source: http://wartakota.co.id/detil/berita/23981/Chairul-Tanjung-Beli-Carrefour-Indonesia

February 10, 2010

Business Executors Optimist First Quarter of 2010, Business Conditions Improved

Jakarta - Business Tendency Index (ITB) in Quarter IV-2009 for 108.45 or lower than the third quarter-2009 (ITB value of 112.86). But the value of First Quarter ITB-2010 is estimated at 108.76, means that in general business conditions in the quarter is expected to rise.

According to Deputy National Accounts and Statistical Analysis Division Slamet Sutomo, all economic sectors experienced an increase in the value of the index except Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries. Transport and Telecommunications Sector increased business with the highest index value of 111.32.

"Improving business conditions is due to the increase in business revenue, production capacity and the average hours of work," he said in his office, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/2/2010).

He said the trade sector, hotels, and restaurants suffered the biggest increase in business revenue, while the Mining and Quarrying sector experienced the lowest increase in business revenue.

According to him, the value of First Quarter ITB-2010 is estimated at 108.76, means that in general business conditions in the quarter is expected to increase compared to Quarter IV-2009.

According to Slamet, all economic sectors in Quarter I-2010 is estimated to have increased the value of the index, with the Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries estimated the highest business increased.

Business Tendency Index is an indicator of recent economic developments for which data is obtained from the Business Tendency Survey (STB) is carried out by BPS in cooperation with Bank Indonesia (BI).

The survey is conducted every quarter in selected major cities in all provinces in Indonesia. The number of samples STB-2009 Fourth Quarter of 2400 large and medium companies, with respondents of the company.

Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Quarter IV-2009 in the Greater Jakarta for 104.76.

Slamet said, with a registration number that means the consumer economy in Quarter IV-2009 increased, but the level of consumer optimism is lower than the previous quarter (ITK registration 107.79).

"Consumer economic conditions improved mainly due to increased household income and household consumption. Increasing household consumption occurs mainly in non-food commodities such as tuition fees, housing (electricity, telephone, and water), and transportation," he said.

He added, the value of ITK in Greater Jakarta in Quarter I-2010 is estimated to 106.67, meaning the consumer economy in First Quarter-2010 is predicted to increase over-fourth quarter of 2009.

Improvement of economic conditions on consumer-First Quarter 2010 is estimated to occur because of increased income, but the plan of purchasing durable goods is expected to decline.

Consumer Tendency Index is an indicator of recent economic developments resulting BPS through Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). The survey is conducted every quarter in the Greater Jakarta area with the number of 1500 sample households.


Penjualan Carrefour di Indonesia Merosot

Selama Januari 2010
Penjualan Carrefour di Indonesia Merosot
Rabu, 10 Februari 2010 | 09:50 WIB

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Direktur Komunikasi Korporat Carrefour Indonesia Irawan D Kadarman menyatakan, imbas krisis global belum benar-benar pergi selama Januari 2010. Walhasil, kinerja Carrefour Indonesia juga melemah selama bulan pertama 2010 itu.

"Pendapatan pada Januari 2010 ini dipastikan lebih rendah dari tahun lalu," ujar Irawan saat berkunjung ke Kantor KONTAN, Selasa (9/2/2010). Irawan enggan membeberkan angkanya secara rinci.

Penurunan pendapatan selama Januari 2010 meneruskan tren penurunan sepanjang 2009. Tahun 2009, berdasarkan data yang dirilis Carrefour Internasional awal Januari ini, pendapatan Carrefour Indonesia turun tipis sekitar 0,67 persen dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008.

Angkanya, dari 893 juta euro (sekitar Rp 11,46 triliun) pada 2008 menjadi 887 juta euro (Rp 11,37 triliun) pada 2009 atau turun 6 juta euro (Rp 76,9 miliar).

Padahal, pada periode yang sama, jumlah gerai Carrefour terus bertambah, khususnya pasca-akuisisi 75 persen saham PT Alfa Retailindo Tbk. Jika pada akhir 2008 tercatat ada sekitar 50 gerai Carrefour, jumlah tersebut melejit menjadi 76 gerai pada akhir 2009.Perinciannya, 61 gerai hipermarket dan 15 supermarket.

Selain karena dampak krisis global, Irawan mengakui penurunan pendapatan itu terjadi karena ada penutupan beberapa gerai Carrefour di sejumlah pusat perbelanjaan.

Catatan saja, tahun lalu Carrefour menutup dua gerainya di Indonesia, yakni di Palembang Square dan Mal Pluit Village, Jakarta. Kedua pusat belanja itu dikelola kelompok Lippo. Karena perkara tersebut, Carrefour dan Lippo kini tengah berseteru di pengadilan.

Presiden Direktur Carrefour Indonesia Shafie Shamsuddin optimistis Carrefour masih berkembang di Indonesia. "Kami masih akan terus membuka gerai hipermarket maupun supermarket selama ada peluang," ujar Syafie.
